

Tend To Your Grass
Alot of people are in relationships of convenience. They got together over intimacy it was exciting and new. But they didn't have shared interest but they spent time and it was better then what they were used to so they kept it. Then it became routine. They don't realize they spouse isn't really Into them. Ladies if your guy doesn't care about how you look doesn't notice your clothes or make up or outfits it's cause he's not into you. Same with women. Every one wants someone who is attractive. Wants people to look at them and go Dammmn they're with them. 🤔 we want someone people want but can't have cause their committed to you. Ladies trust me no guy wants a girl that no other guy looks at. No guy wants other guys to look at their wife or girlfriend and go eww and vice versa for women. So if your in a relationship start trying to look your best , take pride in your appearance , take interest in things your spouse likes to do. Relationships are not hard. Alot of us don't put the attention , attentiveness , and care into them , we fall into routines and then the Intimacy leaves and then you grow distant. Then start to ask why am I in this. Then we break up and give someone else the better part of us when we could've fixed what we had. Do ever look at grass being greener elsewhere when you can water , feed and tend to your own grass and make it flourish! How many of us have left relationships knowing we could have been a better partner but don't want to admit it ?
© ockindev213