

this isn't how love is suppose to be*
it starts off slow
than you fall in love
everything's perfect
you think you've found the one.

months go by
he says "I love you"
you say "I love you too "
and now he knows your hooked.

few more months go by
things start to change
no phone calls or texts back
hours later
text comes through
" sorry babe phone died be home soon"

you feel a nasty feeling in your stomach
somethings not right
he comes home
you ask him where he has been
than he calls you nasty names

you just let it go
act like everything's okay
maybe he just had a bad night.

weeks ,months later
nothing changes
it only got worse.
he says he's sorry and that he's going to change.
but you wait and wait....

he doesn't change.
you wonder what you did so wrong
ask him what we could do to improve our relationship.
he never has an answer.
says it's all you
when it's really him.

things go back to normal
for a bit
like the man You fell inlove with.

the warning signs come but you ignore them.
so many women
so many lies
your left heartbroken

you try and talk to him
but no words are said
he ignores you
he'd rather pay attention to his phone
Instead of listening to you.

you turn your back towards him
put your hands to your face
and sit there and cry.

he apologizes to you
tells you your the only girl he wants
promises there is no one else.
you again believe him.

everything's good for a few more days.
Than you see a text
your heart again breaks Into two
your pushed aside for someone new.

he says it's not true
you again believe him.
now your miserable cause you feel
he doesn't love you.

than the truth he finally tells you.
he likes her and makes him happy.
why not let me go?
why play with my heart?

now you know the truth
you finally found the strength to act like you don't give a fuck!


© Kaii T