

Embracing Happiness: A Beginner's Journey

Happiness, oh so great,
It doesn't wait, it won't abate.
In simplest words, let me relate,
A beginner's tale, I shall create.

When the sun shines bright, so high,
And clouds part ways, revealing sky,
A smile forms, as joy draws nigh,
Happiness, it does not pass us by.

In fields of green, where flowers bloom,
A simple pleasure, a sweet perfume,
A child's laughter, dispelling gloom,
Happiness arrives, dispelling the tomb.

With a warm embrace, a loved one near,
A tender touch, that eases fear,
In moments shared, so crystal clear,
Happiness whispers, "I am here."

Through gentle rain, a rainbow's hue,
A vibrant palette, a dream come true,
In nature's art, a splendid view,
Happiness dances, just for you.

In acts of kindness, a helping hand,
A selfless gesture, to understand,
In giving love, we all can stand,
Happiness blossoms, across the land.

So, remember this, my dear friend,
In life's journey, from start to end,
Happiness awaits, around each bend,
Embrace it now, let your heart transcend.

For happiness, you need not wait,
In every step, it lies in wait,
Embrace the joy, it's yours to sate,
Happiness, dear friend, will ne'er abate.
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