

My Teenage happiness
I think I'm done.
With being who everyone wants me to be.
The typical good girl who gets things done.
Even if it means to sacrifice my own happiness for the time being.

I want to be me and just be happy.
I hate the pressure from my family.
Daddy wants me to always be the perfect daughter, perfect student and perfect mentee.
I get it, everyone wants the best for me.
But I also think they should understand that the pressure is leading me into depression.

I just want them to see that I'm trying my best.
Is it bad for me to ask just for some rest?
I just want a normal teenage life.
Where my decisions are called MINE

Please don't get me wrong.
I'm not judging my my dad or my mum.
I don't want to live a reckless life.
All I ask is for my life to be just mine.