

A forest
A lush green forest is indeed appealing-
'Coz we find our lives hidden within -we find it refreshing!
Some trees are gorgeous, while some are charming;
We never realise that they were even once a sapling!

When the clouds roared and the leaves ruffled-
The cries of the trees weren't muffled;
The dead leaves juggled and an invisible magician wriggled-
The streching and aching branches tossed and toggled.

The saplings heard their parents growl-
"Hold on to your roots even if the weather turns more fowl!"
"Yeah, we have to provide shelter for the wolves to howl!"

The clouds retired, the saplings buried their grandparents -
But they had never forgotten their roots-a quality-"inherent";

The parents oldened-the saplings lengthened -
But their fight for existence continued uninterrupted!

Now I see that the family is spreading wild:
The pain which the saplings suffered on being thrashed is now mild.

The parents have seen their offsprings shine-
Just like any of the parents of yours or mine,
They just wait for being kidnapped by another galloping storm-
Into a persistent peace for an eternity, wherein happiness is a norm...

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