

#Black Lives Matters
The sun at day, the moon at night
Created for the betterment of the world
Never to judge why the night is dark or why the day is bright
Because both are kings in their world.

The paint on my flesh makes who i am
My black skinned body is the beauty that makes me up
When I'm away in another world where my colour differs
Where I'm black and others are white
Humanity should speak!!!
Speak so i won't be judged by my looks
nor condemned for wanting a better life for myself.

But humanity is deaf in the outer world,
For he watch while I'm haunted for being black
Sitting with a crossed leg while i run and gasp for breath away from my assaults.
Still, humanity sits and watch while they feast on us like newly harvested products.

But, i rise today saying No!!!
I'm black doesn't make me evil
I'm black doesn't make me inadequate
I'm black doesn't make me a lower candidate for the job
Humanity should speak!!
so i may be free from this wicked life
I'm human so humanity should speak for me too!!!