

A Practical Relationship...
All we talk about is work these days,
As if we have nothing else to share,
All your messages are about updates,
"Did this?"Did that?", questions endless,
Our relationship seems so transactional,
Emotions aside, it is all practical,
I still have loads to share with you,
On so many things I need your point of view,
But you seem to be totally disinterested,
In my progress, worries, or achievements,
I don't like this side of our bonding,
It is so technical and to the point,
But looks like I don't really have a choice,
Because you will not agree with my thoughts,
You have your way with words,
And eventually it'll look like it was all in my head,
Once again I will have made a fool of myself...

© Polkola
#emotions #relationships #practical #hurt #thoughts #fool #words