

Old version v/s New version
Don't try to be a new everyday,
because people here prefer to leave you some or the other day,
whereas you try to keep on changing for them even today,
just to prove them that yes, you are not the one who was the same as yesterday.

Doesn't it seems so silly now,
that people like us choses to lose their identity anyhow,
when they are asked to leave their belongings and allow,
allow them to be the reason of your new version or maybe I should say the flop version....wow.

Oh God, I don't know how to be so sarcastic,
In manipulating that innocent soul they are so fantastic,
Promises they give that are so Virtually majestic,
And you know what, to refurbish that imaginary palace they uses cosmetics.

Yeah, I understand that it is quite humorous or maybe hilarious,
But I must say that there exists such breed of people that is curious,
To leave their beautiful life and open the door of Golden world that is actually spurious,
I mean why....this world has no scarcity of such injudicious.

If you really want to be a new,
Then please don't change the real YOU,
Change the way you are trying to be with those few,
Show them the old version of yourself rather than a new YOU because it's important too......

Dhruvi Kantariya