

Be your own Creation
The door to tomorrow
Opens in the shadows of today.
So brush aside the path of sorrow
And make your way.
Adversities are there
Only to test.
You can go no where
but face them with bare chest.
People you meet
Are drops of mighty beech.
Learn how to treat
They come for you to teach.
Everytime you fall,
Don't sit and cry.
Get up and stand tall
Grow and give another try.
Listen to the inner voice,
Screaming at you to risen.
Grasp each and every choice,
Only you can make your life glisten.
When you give up,
That is the real failure.
Ask the people to shut up
Who can't do you any favor.
Achieve anything with your persistence
And everything will be fine.
Before the end of your existence,
Live,laugh,enjoy,rise and shine.....