

I fell what I felt, like my heart cramped,"tier to piece's that hurt me so much.
why I'm felling down. like I'm the only person that exists, living alone in despair.
why I'm being irritate, that there is nothing I can do. besides of doing nothing.
why I doubted my self, if I'm true.
like my brain saying my word and my heart showing my action.
why Im felling tired and exhausted, that I wanted to sleep and make the day split.
why I'm doing my best, showing my best if people around me is blind.
why I'm looking at sky, saying god why there's no response in my prayer, is voice can't reach you.
why I can't notice my tears, why I'm here what is the essence my existence.
I want to nap in your arm and hear you, saying,' your doing great.

Dolor Benjie M.

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