

Can We Just Climb A Mountain
One night my spouse became frail
she was told she wasnt going to make it ... .
So i said to her "my sweet darling what are your wishes if you feel this frail inside what can i do for you ?
She whispered .
"Can we just go and climb all the way to the top of a mountain and watch a sun rise "
I gasped for my breath and replied
Oh my baby whos stole my heart and ender touch
who i new was made all for me
As soon as my eyes locked in yours i new we would be climbing many a mountain together through many storms but you are to frail right now ....to be climbing mountains
i want you to rest ....however
my beautiful love, if this is your wish
i will carry you upon my back half way ....
i will leave you to do tbe rest ,
is that a deal ...

Her reaction was priceless.
she stared me right into my eyes and said
" i no you love me that much and you would do all of that for me .but whilst god as blessed me with my own two feet and allows them to work still.... for as much as you want to put me on your back half way ..... the point of me asking you could we just go climb a mountain was so i could just climb it one more time with you as frail as i feel ....
were i can just get to kiss you at the top .
under the light of a glorious sun ....
were each step i took was for but only that reason .....
us .....

© amanda ajobrien