

My heart is Immune: Scars and Healing Wounds
Something from my soul is flying up
Something in my heart is floating up
Something is lightening my eyes
And widening the smile..
Something trying to show up,
Something holding it in still.
Heart throbs.
An awaited moment,
Pleasing the self...
In par with the twittering birds,
With the rising sun,
departing moon
the chilling dew,
the shattered air by the passing bus.
Whats the aim?
Not known still,
Moving ahead a fifty and hundred miles
For someone..
who makes me happy
without even knowing it...
Every passing tree reducing the gap between us, speedening my breaths..
No need to please..
but can be our own selves.
just infactuated, with the contagious smile.
Heart is beating out of its shell..
trying to come out...
Whats the reason behind all this ruckas!
Just so excited,
What may be on that side..
Not known, may not be the the same,
But still pleased..
When will this unknown longing for you come to an end??

What shall I do when I see you.
After a long year....just a smile or something else..May be a hello or how are you?
I am going in loss of words, with your mere thoughts....
What will my poor heart do with you in front and besides??
My throat may go dry, breaths quick or out of breath....
My Brain: Its just a meet....whats there to ne worried about?
Heart: !!!!!!..I m not worried, I am just in vibration mode!!
A chattering box now in ....... don't know what it feels like❣️

Just me.. heart trying to meditate...
Met you, just the same as you are the last time
Out of words...
Came as of out of the sun,
The east at your back fighting with my eyes....
I must have said something else...but I said,
" I have to go to restroom”....
After some long seconds of silence, a simple conversation
We traveled together, watched a movie..with smiles, sometimes our arms and knees grazing against each other.
We are really worlds apart....you at a point and I on the other side.
You are everything I am not and I am everything you are not. .
You are out of what I expect...
But didn't have a likeness for anything I do..from social media profiles to the volume of my voice...
But still,, I like you for something unknown....
You may have or may accept me for what I am...
I guess you care for me, but you are just "keep within the heart" one or a indifferent one who never cares...
If you are of the second type, my stupid wil take long to understand that you are an illusion,
My heart is immune too,
It will throw you away...with little scars and healing wounds...
I will search for my happy me for sometime and will be the "love myself" person again.... but the love I had may sometimes try to rise up but it will be too late to worry for my heart is immune...
But you will miss me one day, but I won't be ready to entertain your passions.

© manjupriya❣️