

My heart bleeds
My heart bleeds
And all I can do is, patch it up
Cannot afford to let myself drown
My heart bleeds
For all the things I want but can't have
For the help I want to give but can't
For wanting to smile but being unable
For hurting badly for an unknown reason
For that I want to accomplish
My heart bleeds
For feeling like held in a prison
For feeling like life is selfish
For being attached by too many strings

My heart bleeds
Because time flies and I don't want it
Because I need time to understand and slow down
I need time to adapt to me and not the other way around
My heart bleeds
For the ones, long gone too early
For I wish I could go back to every memory
The best ones go first , inherently

My heart bleeds
Even for the silent yet heavy pain that rarefies
The lovely pain for it is the only thing making you remember and re-live
Moments once present and today gone
But always remaining precious

The time will come I wish where I'll release it all
The time where I'll remove the patch
And my heart will be repaired
The time when , my heart doesn't bleed continuously anymore ...

In deep conversations with myself - Yala-Laleye

#lifetakestwistsandturns #LoveVsDestiny #yolo