

Chameleon Heart
You told everyone you were overwhelmed,
then labeled others as mere 'toxins.'
The antipathy within you forged a tough helm,
as you pondered unleashing a demonic assassin.

It was yet another unusual day in your view,
as you reveled in offending the innocent few.
Once an ingénue, pure and undone,
you ascended in lofty airs ─ pride long won.

You listened with a cold, inner judgment,
like a two-faced fiend masquerading kindness.
People remained shrouded in darkness while you slandered them for amusement,
constantly shifting your colors, a chameleon in likeness.

You toyed with the desperate,
distraining their property with schemes so elaborate.
then donned the victim's guise ─ proclaiming they caused the mess,
aware you were the oppressor, yet too proud to confess.

All along, you pulled away,
sealing your heart in a vault of numbness.
The toxic ones you once avoided became your muse,
and though you despised this foul society,
you fouled your name the day you chose to abuse.
© zhaodeqian