

Trust in the Brokenness
Oh Lord, hear my desperate plea,
For I am broken and filled with agony.
In the depths of sorrow, my soul does weep,
Longing for a respite, a moment of sweet relief.

This world, it weighs upon my weary heart,
Torn apart by pain, it's tearing me apart.
The darkness surrounds me, suffocating my soul,
Oh Lord, please come and make me whole.

I cry out to You, my Savior and King,
In this desperate hour, a broken heart I bring.
Release me from this anguish, this never-ending storm,
For I am but dust, longing to be transformed.

In Your presence I find desire.
Heal the brokenness that plagues my being,
Fill this emptiness, this void that's so demeaning.
Break through the walls that I've built in fear,
Let the light of Your love draw near.

Gather my tears in the palm of Your hand,
Pour out Your grace and help me stand.
Renew my spirit, strengthen my heart,
Guide me through the shadows, never to depart.

Oh Lord, I long for a breakthrough divine,
To restore this broken heart of mine.
Grant me the wisdom to trust in Your plan,
To walk by faith, not by what I understand.

Though the hurt may linger, I will not lose hope,
For Your promises, O Lord, are my only rope.
In You, I find solace, comfort, and peace,
In You, my pain and suffering find release.

So, in my brokenness, I choose to believe,
That You're working, Your love I will receive.
I surrender my heart, my worries, my fear,
For in You, Lord, I find strength to persevere.

Oh Lord, hear my cry, my heartfelt plea,
Grant me a breakthrough, set my spirit free.
I trust in Your timing, Your ways are higher,
In Your presence, I find the ultimate desire.

© kaylincatherinewilliams