

Incessant Song
I care not if it's all right or it's right wrong
I've been screaming out loud now for so dammed long
That I have also come to fear me— amply

I guess great fear was harboured here all along
It was all an act— I simply portrayed strong
It was never planted in reality

So far my life's been an incessant swan song
It's been a ceaseless series of non-belong
Been roughly uprooted— the entire tree

I've soul-searched, trying to save my song from throng
I've waited a while for any come along
I've been doubting anyone can hear my plea

As I hear an echo coming on quite strong
It has gathered each wilted word from my song
My song is trapt— my words aren't even free

I bid every word— I cast them— so long
They make it a good way out— 'bout a furlong
But when my words get there, they must hit debris

As before too long, all my words— my whole song
Rapidly venture the entire way wrong
Every last word makes way straight back to me

Said words don't even take a half-hour long
Are my words— is my song simply down a prong?
Am I even able to spill my own tea?

#gossip #wordplay #rhyme #Swansong #mysong #mywords
© danie_af