

don't let it ruin you..

In life there are moments where you get to see the outcome of past decisions.. to see the result of leaving a marriage.. or to cut ties with someone close to you.... to see how their life progresses as if your absence had made no deviation in their course.... She may have had the child you always dreamt of having... Or they may have found love in a better set of arms.. they my call someone else important.. but in times like that... When you're faced with this.. outcome... Its always hardest to look at the bright side.. to grasp at that tiny ray of light in this hellish, shadow infested, journey we refur to as life.. look at it in the way of, "it may not be with you, but she still found happiness.." because in the end..isn't that all we can hope for one another..? Because at one point you loved him or her... At one point you were each other's entire world's.. and at the end of the day, all these wrong turns and foul relationships are just lessons learned through terrible mistakes.. so what do you do..? It's so easy to slip into anger or hopelessness, but you have to look at the good.. you have to see it in a better way and adapt to change or you'll never survive. If I saw you today..? I'd probably hug you... Tell you that I am so happy that you achieved your dreams! I'd thank you for the lessons you taught me, I'd tell you that I'm happy you where able to find, in him, what you couldn't in me... Because there's more to life than grudges and haterd, man... Look up, let their happiness give you resolution... for time changes all things, nothing will be as it was in the beginning.. let that fact humble you rather than cripple you.. love is good, but often miss-sighted. Don't let it missguide you.. dont let it blind you..

~the lonely crow