

My escape in nature


("Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. "
~ William Wordsworth)


Let's learn from the tree
How to dance in glee

Forgetting all my cares
What I wanna do is stare

Missing those old days
Where laughter found it's own ways

To heal this weary soul
Who now, works for her goal.

Exhausted ! still a voice makes call
and says," you can do it! you can do it!"

Thus i escape in Nature
To heal my weary soul.
I pause to watch this tress,
Which beautifully dance in glee.


My eyes turn towards them.. can't help it... but look outside the window ... where the distant trees dance ...
can't miss this
"For this life is full of cares we have no time to stand and stare."

© Rubina Ahmed

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