

I have nothing else to say.. 🤷‍♀️
I have nothing else to say,
No words left to convey,
My thoughts are all but gone,
And my emotions withdrawn.

The silence is deafening,
As I sit here contemplating,
The emptiness inside,
That I cannot seem to hide.

Perhaps a poem could express,
What I cannot otherwise address,
But even that seems futile,
In the midst of this internal struggle.

I sit here in silence,
Hoping for a moment of guidance,
To find the words I need to say,
And make this emptiness go away.

The words have left me, disappeared.
My lips are sealed, my voice unclear.
I search for meaning, but it's unclear.
The silence echoes, my soul feared,
But in this moment, I find peace.

For sometimes words just seem to cease,
And in the quiet, my mind released,
I find a calmness.
Sometimes silence is what we need.
For in that stillness, we are free.
To simply be, and breathe, and see.

© K. I. L. 💞