

"Ripples of Wisdom"
In the quiet of the classroom, a word takes flight,
Like a pebble tossed gently, it shimmers in light.
With a whisper of knowledge, it dances and sways,
Creating soft ripples that echo for days.

Each lesson a droplet, each thought a small stone,
Spreading wide across waters, where seeds of truth are sown.
From the heart of the teacher, to the minds that they spark,
The ripples keep growing, igniting the dark.

In the laughter of children, in the questions they pose,
The impact expands like a flower that grows.
For each word that is spoken, a journey begins,
Carried forth by the currents of hopes and of dreams.

And though time may pass like the tide on the shore,
The ripples keep reaching there’s always more.
For wisdom and kindness can never confine,
They ripple through ages, in hearts they entwine.

So here’s to the teachers who cast out their stones,
Who nurture the ripples and call them their own.
In every young mind, their legacy swells
A chorus of voices where inspiration dwells.

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