


In a land where justice takes a nap,
The corrupt roam free, it's quite a trap.
With pockets deep and hearts so cold,
Their tales of greed are brazenly bold.

Politicians grin with a Cheshire cat's glee,
As they steal our future with impunity.
They promise change, to do reforms,
Yet dine on gold in a grandiose swarm.

Bribery here, a kickback there,
Dancing through scandals without a care.
Courts, they say, are mere facades,
Where justice bows to lavish bribes .

"Transparency," they shout, "Integrity's our game!"
But their actions scream a different name.
With offshore accounts and Swiss bank hides,
They live like kings with crooked guides.

Caught red-handed, they'd laugh it off,
"Legal system? What a joke!" they scoff.
Fines a pittance, a slap on the wrist,
Back to their mansions, they return to exist.

"Reform!" we cry, but our voices fade,
In the halls of power where deals are made.
But we'll keep laughing at this tragic farce,
For satire’s our weapon, and humor’s our sparse.

One day perhaps, the tide will turn,
And the flames of justice will fiercely burn.
Until that day, we'll jest and jibe,
At corruption’s farce, with a hopeful vibe.

© Be Kisambi