

The Last Flash
Remarkable was the day of your birth,
Remarkable was your childhood,
And the years that followed too soon,
Remember your journey one last time,
Before you close your eyes to make peace with the Lord.

Flashes run through like a beautiful film,
The joy I had felt, the hearts I had touched,
The errors I had committed, the ones I had deceived,
The words left unspoken for another time in history.

It was indeed a beautiful journey,
I was blessed to the core,
Health, wealth, happiness, love I had it all,
No complaints that its soon going to end.

With peace in my heart, a smile on my lips,
I wish for God to safely carry me in his arms,
To another beautiful space, I'm ready to embrace,
And start afresh, more duties for me await.

I tried my best on earth to leave a prominent mark,
And will try even better in heaven to spread my warmth,
The Lord I shall impress,
For its him who showered me with love on earth and here above.

© Maja Malhotra