

A Distance Priceless Jewel
In a world of chaos and haste,
There lies a gem of beauty and grace,
A jewel so rare, so precious and true,
It shines brightly in the sky so blue.
It's not made of gold or silver so bright,
But of something more valuable in sight,
It's the distance that separates us apart,
A treasure that resides in each heart.
For in this world of constant connection,
We often forget the power of reflection,
The space between us, the time we spend alone,
Is where true love and friendship are grown.
So let us cherish this priceless jewel,
Embrace the distance, don't be a fool,
For in the moments of solitude and peace,
We find the strength to love and release.
So let us celebrate the distance we share,
For it's a gift beyond compare,
A reminder of the love that binds us tight,
A treasure that shines in the darkest night.
© thekennyadetule