

she never existed
mothers are supposed to stay
they just are
like snow on the bluff I feel like you were never real
like you never even existed
did all those times when you would spend time with me just misty dreams that were adapted from the braggings of friends
normal families that are complete
take pity on my father as he pretends to be you on some occasions
why did you leave
was I not good enough
because I'll be better if it means I'll dream of you again
your slender hands vanish into dust and run through my hands
how did that happen when you said you'd never leave
you said you were caring and selfless
I saw you as my hero
now jokes on me
you were always selfish
I can't believe you were just a lie my brain made to suppress my depression
but I like lies
and hope I can feel yours once again


Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.
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