

No to drugs
I say No to drugs

Drugs are killing people we love
But we must stay taugh, drugs make people suffer
Trillions of people die because of drugs
Drugs are indestructible, families are miserable because of drugs
I've seen a lot of blood and it something i don't like
But what can i say because i have no power

I say No to drugs

Drugs to me a like a rotten rat... i don't want to see them
Drugs make our children to be junkies, what must we do?? i am asking
My eyes are full of tears, my heart is bleeding, inside i'm suffering
Drugs can destroy your life completely, we have no doctors, no teachers because of drugs
Our children are stealing from us because of drugs
Why drugs?? drugs can cause our children into mental illness the rest of their life
I'm tired to see our children suffering, we must stand up together and fight
if we together we can't be defeated

I say No to drugs

- Ashley RM