

It's Okay..
Sometimes there's no problem,if you don't fit into the crowd,
There's no problem in speaking your heart out.

It's okay to be anxious,
It's okay to not be joyous.

It's okay to be sad without any reason,
It's okay if you have confusions.

It's not necessary to be productive every day,
It's okay if you feel happy to relax and lay.

It's okay if even after giving your best,you loose,
Not giving up was the option,
You decided to choose.

It's okay to be imperfect,
It's okay to get out of the way,
If your happiness is what you select.

It's okay to be not supported by anyone,
For,you have yourself,to support you,
And succeed by being your own companion.

But what isn't okay,is not trying to being positive in hard times,
And to not even try to make a lemonade,
When life gives you limes.