

Tears and Sunlight
Dew drops of rain, rays of sunshine from the window pane,
Drenching my painful soul, glimmering my tears with the rays of the ball.

Birds begin to chirp, sounding like a melodious cacophony, tuning with my copious tears, filled with remorse and agony.
It all felt like a day dream, was it really the life that I had seen in my dream!

A surreal world of beauty and pain, where emotions dance in the sunbeam's gleam.
In the garden of my heart, blooms of hope start to grow.
Amidst the shadows of despair, a gentle breeze begins to blow.
The echoes of laughter mix with the tears I shed, a bittersweet symphony plays in my head.
As the day fades into the night's embrace, I find solace in the stars' gentle grace.

And in the quiet of the moonlight hour, I find the strength to face life's bittersweet dower.