

Dark fantasy..........
Her dark fantasy is the epitome of
perfection. ....Beauty +Brain.,
Dark fantasy is always pampered, praised,admire by her family,relatives
and friends. ,
They all makes comparison between
her and her dark fantasy
which makes her feel insecure and
uncomfortable about herself.
She's always living in her dark fantasy
shadow ,
she's used to feel envy towards her
dark fantasy
she's always dying to know all about
her dark fantasy perfection
she's also afraid to find out
may be all her dark fantasy strengths
revealed all her own weaknesses.
she's realised that
they are family and the love
they have for each other
will always be there
irrespective of her envy towards
her dark fantasy ,
everyone have their own strengths
and weaknesses
there's is no need to feel envy
towards anyone and compare yourself
with them .,
comparison is a self destruction habit .,
So, just try to learn something new
from everyone whether
they are your loved ones
they are your rivals. ...........

Dark fantasy......cousin sister
#siblings love cum rivalry

© Raindrop