

A Guest for Some Time
Seeing the birds going round ,
And then the vehicles moving on
Standing buildings erected on the ground,
Who knew that a day would come
Blackish -Blue creature would arrive,
Starring me in a funny way
With his head going front and back,
Walking like Michael Jack
Beside were the flapping wings,
It's neck wasn't too long indeed
Matching my moves wherever I go ,
Got to know it was a mischievous crow
People say him a quite ugly,
But it's the way how God had made it though
He was a little upset like me,
Cuz it was boring to follow the same routine
He was a guest for sometime,
But wanted him to stay here all the time
We didn't understood what we spoke about,
Just wanted to go on a round about
I felt a special bond between us,
Nevertheless didn't knew if he felt the same way
As he had a family like me to care about,
Night came without indication
And we said goodbye to each other,
As it was a sequel of animation.

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