

A Royal Play of Love and Swords
" I command you to reveal your face !!" echoed the voice in the royal chamber adorned with the tapestries of around the world .

Bound in a bind ; swords shining out of their scabbards, while the feather pen and ink-pot lay unbothered in the quietest corner silently watching .

And amidst the game of hide and seek ,came off the cloak, as the crown discovered a face so bosom to him .

Came down tumbling the cascade of midnight tresses , cladded in her own facade ;
the woman that blushed in his arms every morning and evening .

Eyes adorned with the wilderness of kohl ,so deep he would love to drown,
she gleamed with amusement at her husband's perplexity.

Brown against black
Fire against water , storm against calm
Wait !! Hold on , there's more to it ..

"Oh ! His majesty , I am none then your Queen !" she grinned like a Cheshire cat at her sweet better half's sour sulking face .

~~ Nishita Changkakoti

© soulofnishi