

without you
what should I do without you
I don’t know who I am without you
and everything you ever said
ricochets off of walls and around again
bouncing off of bars in my fucking head
all these chains hold me down
am I alive or dead
help me
I’m just struggling
to breathe
everything hurts
is it just me
when the world feels like needles in my skin
I’m tortured by all the things we could’ve been
give me air
give me space
till your just another hit
another mark on my bedpost
another scar on my wrist
I never thought I could ever trust again
it was mistake to ever let you in
I wish I could change what I kinda miss
all the little lies every time we kissed
do you hate me like I hate you
do you miss me or is this through
torture me daily
with every memory you gave me
you made me
fall in love
and I fell daily
you said it would be safe
I gave you my heart
you let me fall on my face
I lost who I was without you
I’m finding who I am without you
and everything you ever said
will fade away and maybe I’ll forget
all the time and love that I spent
what a fucking waste

© JubilantDragon