

Hedonism, I dig it
I ride pleasure on life's highway
Wanna be on a high, you know
Happiness tickles me
The see saw of life isn't my type
I see only happy hormones dancing in me
I've learnt to scrape pain and bleed it
I laugh at its resultant pain
My scars have designer looks
They are my shame that I need to cover up
I deck them in a decorative frame
I crush negativity inside me
Ah! They lie buried under rubbles of hate
'They are bad feelings that are no good, mate'
goes the voice inside me and I don't let them define my fate
I often drown life's voice
'Bad feelings are good for your health'
The voice gets feeble
The truth doesn't
Those nasty pimples on my face
Thinning hair, balding head
Dark ugly circles defining my eyes
PCOD, obesity marring an otherwise beautiful sight
They are but bad feelings plonking themselves on the outside
The voice of life reverberates
'Bad feelings are good for your health'
My eyes gather them in the folds of my skin
My skin breathes them through its pores
My heart's acceptance sets them free from within me
They walk through me giving me a new lease of life before they walk outa me
Life smiles in me as I embrace negativity with glee
I have since begun receiving adoring glances on life's highway
Pleasure and pain dance in me
Hedonism? Bah! Let it define itself in the dictionary.
© nobody