

In the morning sun. A smile gleams bright.
Within my teeth a joy takes flight.
But in a misstep.
I turn around.
I stumble offbeat upon the ground.
Leaving behind a trip.
A stumble in my stride.
My toes and feet tangled. Caught in a tide.
Tripping over sheets.
The ones we once shared.
A bed that witnessed love now a memory bared.
In that sacred space.
Where passion once grew.
You dug a hole six feet deep it's true.
Now it's over.
The chapter complete.
But the lessons learned they still retreat. Blessed me I say for the trials endured. For the strength found within. My spirit assured.
Blessed be the journey the highs and the lows.
For they shape my story. As life ebbs and flows.
So I smile in my teeth. A glimmer of grace.
Knowing that missteps can lead to a better place.
With each stumble and fall. I rise once more.
Embracing the rhythm. As I dance through this lore.

© Just_T_Baby