

...in the shadow of desolate pages

in the the never ending loop
of Swift shadows swoop
i a luckless rubble lay
survived of artifacts ages ago so they say

I gasp for warmth
shriveled from lack of touch
only for the consistent chill
of the rusty termite wood of such

The creak of the rusty old door
and a new morn offers hope
wrapped in the a pretence of grandeur
a shriveled version of hope

the shuffling of feets
selection of books neat and bright
none do my sympathy meet
in this accursed shelf of a plight
a thousand voices roam the air
like scattered pieces of hiroghlypics
whispers of curious minds in the peak
searching for answers which I bear
yet from this shriveled old book they steer
for the cover of dust grime and termite I wear

so when they roam this library
seeking answers from blank pages
none steering towards this book of pages
where enlightenment lay solitary
the endless cycle go on and on
in a crammed loop of hopelessness
the secrets i wield take a faithless turn
enclosed in the yellowish pages
of a book of dust survived through ages

as these pages sink into the abyss
a shock wave is sent through the axis
knowledge forever lost to the feast of termites
humanity forever lost to the raze of ignorance

© benigreatest