

In the forest near lake
I've been living since i was eight
Around the lake also live faires
They all come at my service

My favorite beauty,
Rosetta's her name
She's amazing but not that strong
and she usually takes the blame
When i'd done something wrong

She's like my guardian angel
She whisper in my ear
And send away my every fear

Sadly whenever she gives me advice
I never listen although i know there is a price

Her diamond dress
Shines in blue
Over i, can just obsses
And her hair, it's special too
Blond or brown depends on her mood

She had a lover
Not long ago
Who was killed
Shortly before arriving
First day with snow

Her memory of him did never fade
She talks about him without a shame
I can tell she's still in love
But she ain't letting those fellings to expose

The beauty-Rosetta
Has never taken the vendetta
Because she believes
Her lover still lives
In her heart or her soul
Doesn't matter, not at all

She has a special place in my heart
Her exsitence is basically an art
She's not selfish and very lovely
And she's simply my one and only
She's Rosetta, the fifth elf
Beauty of this forest, herself