

it ended so it began
See on that day
It rained
Funny enough
On the sunniest of the seasons
The universe had seen,
that the forest had caught fire already,and all that was left was greener pastures.

So it rained,
Funny enough
On the day that tears could not dry,
The universe had had,
So it sent help and said just cry
I'll disguise the tears with water
So they won't notice.

See it rained,
On the day of the end of the year,
Funny enough,
To wash the dust of the whole year,
To make the unseen seen,
To make the old new again,
See the universe had seen
That it had been lost for long.

So finally it rained
Funny enough
The seed had been planted
The flowers bud ready to blossom,
So the universe had,
And answered her.
To another round 💝
© joslyn