

Forever Empty
Hollow and broken, the embers lay cold
Misplaced by a smile…judgement juxtaposed
Does my wretchedness speak in riddles,
My contempt, is it a rotten disposition?

Turmoil avast, in the distant hope of tomorrow
Wicked games, thoughts and dreams…hope
We die by degrees, in an autumn chill, we fade
Purge me of your smile, I don’t want it anymore

Relieve me, I am piss over the edge of a cliff
Align my heart, and bleed me dry, no one cares
We never see the end of our path, we wander
A lovely walk, in the sunshine, of a day…rain!

It shall come to pass, in the absence of a day
When life, will remind you, of this time
And you will wince, in the memory of me
My thoughts are forever empty…
© John Hayes