

Misery, Melody and Memory
If memory, melody, and misery combine
Let the flame run high
Touch the sky with lost life inside
Build a home and burn the past
Learn from it, but don’t let breathe
It will drag you back to the me I use to be
Try to see past
The skin upon my bones
Temporary home
Misery was you saw in me
Now replace it with intensity
Every emotion ten fold stronger
Get behind
Run rampant
It’s the same theme over and over again
Cycle the circle back around again
Let the flame consume and burn all the filth away
If sitiches hold the old me together
Rip them out and see the core embedded in me
A desire once foreign becomes all I seek
But the flesh still wants its own damn way
Damnation, there’s no level of depravity I won’t sink too
This is nothing new
There have been few words uttered
The spirit is alive, but so is destiny in death of me
Nail my flesh to cross where all was lost and gained
Revive the Spirit in me
Let the flame run high and refine me
Silent in solitude
No fruit
But seeds planted
Nothing for granted
But how do seasons begin and end
Only to begin again
Touch the sky with a flame that runs high
Build a home on the ash
Set the past ablaze
Death knell ring
Death knell sing
© MattDyver