

A letter to my soulmate. ....
I think about you every now and then
I’ve never seen you but I drew you with my pen
I look at others who found the ones made for them
I know one day we will cross paths but exactly when
So,Hello to the one written in my fate
One I will live with,my found to be soulmate

I wonder if you get possessed by a magical pair of eyes
While running which gold shined so bright that you forgot the prize?
What is so fascinating that you forgot what lies ahead ?
Whose soulmate you are dying to get?
My Hello to the one written in my fate
One I will live with,my found to be soulmate

Sometimes I wonder if destiny already played Its part
Tried to find you everywhere maybe we are just two roads apart
maybe you are someone I accidentally met
Or are you one of the message request I daily get
Still my Hello to the one written in my fate
One I will live with,my found to be soulmate

You can never guess how desperate I was for you
I became the prince searching for cinderella without holding the shoe
I read horoscope trying to decode the language of stars
why does it feel like seeking a boy who lives in mars
From earth Hello to the one written in my fate
One I will live with,my found to be soulmate

In search of you I got puzzled too
I saw someone who I mistook for you
He was kind of someone I thought to be mine
But he was written as a temporarily line
Now Hello to the one written in my fate
One I will live with,my found to be soulmate

Even though I strived to be the one you see
I hope you take your time before coming to me
I also have the things to sort out on my own
But one thing I can promise is Without you I will be alone
So this is my Hello to the one written in my fate
One I will live with,my found to be soulmate

© breeze_of_feb

#WritcoQuote #writco #sad #Love&love #Love&love💞 #poem #poetrycommunity #Heart #soulmate