

7 Years
For seven long years, you haunted my days, a shadow like the black plague, a relentless replay. A constant gnawing, a lingering in my mind's sway.

Seven years it took to grasp my emotions' reel, lost in my own skin, a stranger's zeal.

In seven years' span, the truth came to light, realization dawned, you were the one in the night. Deceived, I bore the blame, a shield, a plight.

Seven years of burden, an Atlas-like load, the weight on my shoulders, a crushing episode.

After seven years, the release has begun, may you dwell in torment, under the sun. Yearning to be free, as I have won.

Seven years of healing, a future so bright, goals within reach, leaving you out of sight.

At last, seven years, finding my core, sure and unbound, stepping forward, no more.

© TheWritingsofApollo

#poem #poetrylovers #trauma #healing #movingon