

You were unapproachable to me
You looked too cool in my eyes
I couldn't talk to you.

I bless the dawn I mustered up that courage,
Turns out you were weird like me,
We spoke the same chaotic funny language so much so that if anyone listened, they'd think we had lost it.

I could talk deep with you
Share my secrets with you,
You were ever ready to destroy anyone who hurt me.
I loved your company

You were everything I wanted in a friend.

But then, which one of us slipped? I can never tell.
You went cold and withdrawn
I felt uncool for you again
I didn't know what to say to you anymore...

My small talks weren't enough
At times, talking to you felt like I made a mistake
Did I do something wrong? No?
Then what?.

You didn't seem to care anymore
Was it something I said? No?

I overthink and
I'm starting to think I've been replaced
I guess I wasn't cool enough in the end.
It was all fun and games but the hardest thing to do is watch a good friend become a stranger.

Maybe it was better, when we weren't friends...I seem to have my peace of mind then.

© Tolu