

You're okay from now
Let me hold your hand just for few minutes,
Not because I love you or I think about you as a friend,
But to feel I'm with you and I can feel you.

Let those fears come, stay, then go,
Oh, Darling, don't be scared to be scared,
You are a human, you can feel whatever YOU want.

But just to be clear, you really need these emotions?
To be isolate of the World's motions?

Look at the sky, how beautiful it is,
even if it's dark, you know there will be stars in the night.
Or how the wind blow your hair, just because she wanna show you, she's here.

Why do you want to ignore these things,
When all they wanna have is to be seen?

Oh Love, I will let you go,
I think you're okay,
From now.