

black mood
feeling like a fell leaf in the running water
lonely as a wandering cloud in the sky
tearing out with no known reason
perhaps crying makes it less taugh!!
feeling exhausted, daunted and under the weather
trying to stand still in a dark strong tempest!
running like a hamster in the routine circle
hustling nd hustling nd hustling
but with no cease!!
my soul is melting from the burning fire on my heart
making my brain in a complete shut down
lost in infinite thoughts but couldnt catch any!
drawing in the sea of my mind
perhaps drifting is my ultimate destination!
present but completely absent in no where!
finding solace from noone but myself
accepting such an unexpected guest,
is all i need to survive
but writing about it,
is what really helps me not merely to live but to breathe
an open heart and compassionate soul nearby
all i need!
giving myself a space to heal ,
is such a pleasure from myown self

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