

Hues of Sincerity
Drape my gaze in hues profound,
A truth unveiled, a tale unbound.
In echoes vast, a myriad told,
Yet, the same narrative, tirelessly scrolled.

Lies unmasked, a vivid light,
For seekers in truth's piercing sight.
Veiled vices, beneath love's art,
Concealed beneath the heart's hidden chart.

Fury surges, ensnared in deceit,
Ponder, reflect, in silence meet.
Eyes, soul's camera, candid and smart,
Capturing deeds, composing the heart.

Life's Everest, towering and grand,
Imparts humility, a lesson in the sand.
Sincerity and integrity, an undying part,
Guiding through storms, shaping the heart.

In tempest's dance, sail and ascend,
Let your heart a truthful anthem send.
Upon life's canvas, a lyrical art,
Let your eyes unveil the verses of your heart.

© Aquilo-Dominic G. Udo