

Working On Me
I wish there was an answer for the inside of the how & why of me but there's a slight influx that never occurs to me. I think I misaligned the misconception. Everyone has an opinion on how I should be instead of understanding me. No matter the scars, flaws, faults, or any bad things that can be attached to me, there is no simple answer of me. I am not always right I am not always wrong. I am not all good I am not all bad. My heart and mind cannot be explained because there are levels to me, parts of me, there are so many things that make up the makings of me. Maybe there's a part of me that will always be incomplete and maybe it needs to be. Maybe there's a part of me that no one will ever see yet judge me without knowing there's more to me, that they don't deserve to see. Some parts of me are so sacred I keep them close because they are just for me. I once heard I should be the old me but the old me was just a part of me at a time in my journey. Who I am now is ever changing because I am finding and losing me often with no regard for the finish product. I love to shock me so I will just continue to enjoy the growth, lost, and found me that comes as I continue my journey. I just know I don't want to hear you tell me about me because you don't know what it's like to be me. Every day I'm busy trying to find my peace while battling me and the world. I just be wanting to yell from the rooftop of the world just let me be! I'm not done working on me.... #live #lifelesson #lifestyle #selflove #self-respect #selfcare #Love&love
© Shanice L Hairston