

[ Lens ]
I see you, and seeing you
I bring you into being
Creation in acknowledgment
The whole world, it is beaming
Awaken from distraction
All the factions unredeeming
Life is so extravagant
Can you not see that it is teeming

Beauty all encompassing
Every cell and atom
Microscopic observation
In an awe I cannot fathom
The grace to case this place
Palpitations set to spasm
A heart that skips the beat
In endless enthusiasm

So thankful for existence
Beyond our understanding
All logic stays confounded
To this mystery enchanting
Appreciate it my whole life
So captured by its romancing
I take a breath to celebrate
And feel my lungs expanding

Consciously determined
Intentionally aware
Deliberate in my actions
With premeditated care
Calculated measures
Eager just to share
That life is so fantastic
Beyond any faults or fears

Merely to have an open eye
It does not mean you see
So much in life can pass you by
And that’s a tragedy
To live your life within a veil
Blinded from the sea
Of the life that flows around you
Dwelling in shadows of debris

Most of the world has a perspective
That is negatively cast
Seeing most life without value
And subjected to their wrath
That they make the world a wasteland
In their daily treaded paths
With such dreaded consequences
Of the compassions which they lack

It first and foremost must be
The heart that draws the sight
The lens of love to filter
The value into a life
Then the mind must be opened
Beyond doctored plight
To see beyond tradition
Beyond offense, to what is right

Then I see you, and seeing you
There is brought about inception
Creation and existence
And value and connection
Breaking passed the boundaries
Of the past of our deceptions
Where all life can radiate
To a mirror of reflection

© HeartOfBabel

#HeartOfBabel #Babel #GaratheDen