

Death & Love/Miss You
When you die,
I won’t kill myself instead,
I would tickle the ivies until I hear your cries again,
I would tune my guitar till I could hear your voice again.
So, that everyday I would still have you in my

I would play the congas till I could feel the rhythm of your feet dancing.
I would sing until my voice reaches yours.
Then everyday you’ll know I still love you.

I miss your voice,
I miss your pain,
I miss your joy,
Most of all,
I miss you.

Oh, when will I get to hear your voice again?
When will I be able to dance with you?
I’m scared,
I’m scared without you.
Please come back to me.
I’m supposed to be strong,
But damnit even in death you make me weak.

I love you?
Do you love me?
That’s right.
I’m talking to myself,
Or shall I say the shadow of what you left me.

You’re like my Kaori,
Why did you give me hope just to die.
I can’t blame you, you have gave me my passion.
I’ll end it while I’m only 1 foot in the hole.
I love you, and miss you.
© tmrf