

Beside Me
I've climbed mountains thought never to be climbed
I have showed you love most will never ever find
I have tried giving you all of me
Still, it wasn't enough to make you see

I have done things I am not proud of
All for the sake of proving my love
I thought these things would bring you to me
But it's no use, you still do not see

I have waged wars with myself to master perfection
In hopes that I would become the object of your affection
But nothing will change your mind, it seems
You refuse to let me give you the life of your dreams

Try as I may, I cannot win for losing
I know you will regret the path you keep choosing
For a love like mine is truly quite rare
Living life without you is simply too much to bear

I have promised you the moon and all of the stars
My love can heal your heart's past scars
Open up your eyes Dear & surely you'll see
That your rightful place is here beside me

I love you now and I loved you then
When will you agree to take my hand?
I promise that our love will only grow
And you'll find joy in life you've yet to know

You know my love is true, it is unrequited
The day we met was the moment it ignited
I would gladly spend forever waiting for you
If one day you'd be mine and somehow I knew

I ask you to reconsider your feelings for me
You would never again have to feel lonely
I swear you'll never find another whose heart is so true
Just accept my love, this I beg of you

Just imagine the memories we might have made
With time my love will still never fade
So, come take your seat next to me
And spend forever together in eternity

I have said it before but I'll say it again
Be mine & together the world we'll withstand
We'll share a life that others have mostly never seen
If you'll agree to be my king and I your queen
© Amanda.Humphrey

#TheUnrequitedLove #writcocontest #writcopoem #love #poetrycommunity
@Knownphilosopher @Vijay568