

Love those around you
In a world where shadows cast their hue,
There lived a boy, with dreams so true.
But fate dealt a hand, oh so unkind,
For him, a world of torment he'd find.

Bullies lurked, like vultures in disguise,
Feeding on his tears, their only prize.
Their words like arrows, aimed to wound,
Invisible chains, he felt so bound.

Yet within this darkness, a fire burned,
A strength deep-rooted, yet to be discerned.
With every harsh word, his resolve grew,
Transforming the pain, a phoenix he flew.

He chose not to let their taunts define,
For beneath their cruelty, lay a heart so kind.
He turned the tables, but not through hate,
Spreading a message of love, innate.

With compassion as his armor, he took a stand,
Reaching out a helping hand.
His gentle nature inspired anew,
Others rallied around, for his cause they knew.