

When once was young so innocent and pure
I look to those who are meant to protect
yet betrail is what I receive
as I grew I learned to hide
it's me I have to protect
I'm standing still while the world does spin
I reached for an arm for hope, I'm shun...
I cover my eyes to hide from you, I'm judged
while the worlds in a spin I'm crouching and screaming, the hurt goes deep within
agian I stand and raise my head
I reach in hope to find some light
my life you think is yours to play
I'm not your game, nor will I play
forever the one who recieves the wounds
always somebody muse
from tiny to now it's forever the same
to never receive the hope or the dreams
now I am tired exhausted in fact
I no longer want not will I try..
you will be forgiven
but forgotten will not..
it's burned in my brain no room for fun
its forever now forever I'll run

© Sandra Hambidge